Chili Cheese Dip Recipe
Recipe Ingredients
1 large bag baked tortilla chips
8 oz ff cream cheese
1 1/2 cup ff cheddar cheese-divided
1 use
1 can spicy ff veggi chili (or 2 c
1 your favorite recipe)
1/2 cup chopped green or purple
1 onions
Recipe Preparation
Spread cream cheese in bottom of oven safe serving dish. Layer 1 c
cheddar cheese over that and pour/spread chili over cheeses. Top with
reserved 1/2 c cheese and bake at 375 for 30 min or until bubbly. Top
with raw onions and serve with ff tortilla chips.
I hope you can use these and sorry if you don't use dairy. You could
probably use soy cheeses instead, but I haven't tried them.
From: Fatfree Digest [Volume 10 Issue 7] Aug. 17,
1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, using
Servings: 1
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Food Tips of the Week
Advice on losing weightIf you enjoy your food, but want to become thin and also improve your overall physical condition, then, as most people know, you should follow a meticulously prepared wholesome dietary regime. Theoretically, this needs to involve 5 standard portions of grains, cereals and vegetables every day and also contain the optimum fusion of important nutrients.
Some lower carb diet tips:
* Know what is in your food Be sceptical of food packaging that boasts 'low carb' - check the real nutritional information on the rear of the tin or package. Many are only a little less and in some cases still greater than a competitors standard brand. Also, beware of 'low sugar' and 'low fat' labels - 'low sugar' doesn't always mean 'low carb' - often the carbs are just the same.
* Fiber is crucial Lowering the carbohydrates in your diet usually results in fiber reduction as well. Look at reduced carb recipes that are fiber-rich to redress this.
Cruciferous vegetables, Wonderfoods that aid Weight loss
(examples: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Tatsoi and Chinese cabbage)
Vegetablesi in the brassica family are packed with vitamins (folate and vitamin c, for example), minerals (including potassium and selenium), isothiocyanates, antioxidents and indole-3-carbinol.
Amongst most other health and diet benefits, the vitamins and nutrients in these are thought by experts to significantly lower the risk of getting cancer.
Chili Cheese Dip Recipe provided by Recipes 4U
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