Salmon Grilled In A Japanese Style Recipe

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Salmon Grilled In A Japanese Style Recipe : Recipes 4U


Salmon Grilled In A Japanese Style Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup sake or dry white wine
1/4 cup mirin
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp fresh ginger -- chopped
1 small lemon -- thinly sliced
4 (5-ounce) salmon fillets

Recipe Preparation

To make the marinade: In a small saucepan, combine the soy sauce,
sake, mirin, sugar, and ginger. Bring to a boil. Remove from the heat
and allow the marinade to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, pour
the marinade over the fish and scatter the lemon slices over the
fish. Marinate refrigerated for at least 4 hours or overnight,
turning the fish occasionally. Grill or broil the salmon on both
sides until just done, approximately 4 to 5 minutes per side.





Servings: 4




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Food Tips of the Week

Dieting tips

If you wish to become slim and boost your all round health, then, as any dietician will tell you, you really should eat a thoughtfully calculated sensible daily routine. At best, this should include five measures of grains and vegetables each day and also incorporate the right mix of important nutrients.
The problems associated with reduced carb diets
Its extremely popular, but it is truly safe for you?
Higher consumption of animal-based products may lead into raised consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, which most authorities believe will increase the probability of heart problems.
Moreover, it has been hypothesised that the kidneys may become stressed and that the resulting change in acid levels in the blood can cause bone loss, but some of the scientifc research testing the theory have failed to find significant evidence of damage to the kidneys or bone damage.
The brassica family, Wonderfoods that help with Dieting
(eg. Kohlrabi, Cauliflower, Mustard greens and Chinese cabbage)
Altthough not always popular with children, these vegetables are jam-packed with vitamins (eg.folate), minerals (eg. selenium), fibre, chlorophyll, antioxidents, and indole-3-carbinol.

Amongst many great health giving properties, a few of these nutrients are believed by doctors to help reduce the cancer risk.

Salmon Grilled In A Japanese Style Recipe Index from Recipes 4U

You can now stop spending your hard earned cash on overpriced recipe cooking books or pricey dining in poncy restaurants, all you have to do is locate and print out the recipe that take your fancy and start cooking good food to amaze your friends in the comfort of your own kitchen

This Salmon Grilled In A Japanese Style Recipe is one of our Salmon Recipes, which are collected from our own collection and `free to use` sources. Obviously, as we have more than 50,000 recipes it is impossible to prepare and eat every recipe on our website, so take care and plan carefully. If a recipe appears to be wrong, let us know.


Salmon Grilled In A Japanese Style Recipe

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