American Dressing Recipe
Recipe Ingredients
1 125 g salatmayonnaise (50%~fett)
1 125 g speisequark (20%~fett)
1 5 el saure sahne
1 3 el tomatenketchup
1 1 knoblauchzehe
1 1 bund schnittlauch
1 1 bund glatte petersilie
1 1 troepfchen estragon
1 salz
1 weisser pfeffer
1 1-2 tropfen tabasco
1 1-2 el cognac
Recipe Preparation
1. Mayonnaise, Speisequark, saure Sahne und Tomatenketchup in eine
Schuessel geben. Mit einem Schneebesen glattruehren.
2. Knoblauchzehe abziehen, sehr fein hacken oder durch eine
Knoblauchpresse druecken. Zur Sosse geben und unterruehren.
3. Kraeuter waschen und mit Kuechenkrepp trockentupfen.
Schnittlauch mit einer Kuechenschere in feine Roellchen schneiden.
Petersilien- und Estragonblaetter abzupfen, fein schneiden.
4. Kraeuter unter die Sosse ruehren und alles pikant mit Salz,
Pfeffer, Tabasco, Cognac oder Weinbrand abschmecken.
Das American Dressing passt gut zu Endivien- und Eichblattsalat,
aber auch zu Roemer-, Chicor'ee- und Eisbergsalat. Es eignet sich
ausserdem als Gemuese-Dip, z.B. zu Moehren, Staudensellerie, Fenchel
und Kohlrabi.
Zubereitungszeit 20 Minuten * Pro Person 270 Kalorien
Erfasser: Barbara Datum: 13.01.1993 Stichworte: Dressing, Sossen,
Servings: 999
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Food Tips of the Week
Weight loss hints and tipsIn planning a meal plan, the most important step is to make efforts to lower your intake of fat, salt and refined carbohydrates.
The problems associated with low carb diets
Its extremely popular, but it is really safe for you?
The majority of the undesirable side-effects reported, such as feeling tired, diarrhea, constipation, or headaches seem to pass quickly, but critics contend that low carb diets are not without serious long term side effects.
Moreover, it has been proposed that the kidneys may come under too much strain and that a related change in blood acidity levels can lead to bone damage, but some of the scientifc research trying to test the hypothesis have struggled to find significant evidence of damage to the kidneys or loss of bone.
Foods containing allyl sulfides
( includes eschalot, onions and welsh onion)
The onion and garlic family of vegetables is rich in allyl sulfides, a chemical which experts believe could be linked to a reduced risk of stomach and colon cancer.
Although there is not enough, definitive proof present, allyl sulphides are also thought by many experts to reduce symptoms with colds, sterilization and insomnia.
Foods containing allyl sulfides are also low in calories, so should be a part of every diet system.
American Dressing Recipe Index
You can now stop spending your hard earned cash on overpriced recipe cookery books or pricey meals in posh eating establishments, all you have to do is discover and print out the recipe that meets your requirements and you will soon be preparing good food to amaze your family in the comfort of your own kitchen