Low Fat Cranberry Squares - Recipe

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Low Fat Cranberry Squares - Recipe from the Recipes 4U Collection


Low Fat Cranberry Squares - Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1 cup cranberries -- washed &
1 halved
1 1/4 cup sugar -- divided
1 cup flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup buttermilk
2 egg whites -- lightly
1 beaten
1 tsp orange peel

Recipe Preparation

Preheat oven to 350 deg. F. Line 13 x 9" pan with foil; spray with
nonstick spray. Combine cranberrries with remaining 1 c sugar, foour,
cornstarch, baking powder, pabing soda and salt. Mix well and make
well incenter. Add milk, egg whites and orange peool; stir until
smooth. Fold in berries; spread in prepared foil-lined pan. Bake 20 -
25 min. Cool in pan for 5 min; cut into 12 squares.

Edna Askins, Greenville, TX

These are EXCELLENT! (Reggie) Recipe By
: Home Cooking, Nov 1994

Posted by Posted by Posted by reggie@netcom.com (Reggie Dwork) to the
Fatfree Dig. [Vol. 11 Issue 29], Oct. 29, 1994. FATFREE Recipe
collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission.
Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV.



Servings: 12




Back to Healthy Recipes

Food Tips of the Week

Losing weight

Recognise the difference between hunger and thirst. At times when going through a hectic day, you imagine you feel hunger but if truth be told you just need a restorative tumbler of water or cranberry juice. The feelings of hunger and thirst are quite alike, but one can result in weight gain and the alternative is fine.
Some lower carbohydrate diet tips:
* Replace sugar with splenda. Many recipes that use sugar can be modified to make use of a sugar substitute like splenda. It doesn't weigh the same so you will need to expirement with it and it might not be perfect for everything, but it does bake up nice for the most part.

* Know what is in your food Don't believe food packaging that boasts 'low carb' - check the actual nutritional information on the back of the can or package. Quite a few are only marginally less and in some instances still greater than a competitors normal brand. Also, beware of 'low sugar' and 'low fat' labels - 'low sugar' does not always mean 'low carb' - usually the carbs are exactly the same.

Lycopene rich foods
(includes apricots, red bell peppers & tomato puree)

The phytochemical lycopene is a simple compound used to color foods and part of the carotenid family. This chemical is accountable for the dark red color of a good number of fruit, vegetables and pulses.

Fortunately, unlike numerous healthy agents, this useful phytochemical does not become less effective if heated during cooking, but is noticeably enhanced by being cooked.

. Its most interesting nutritional contribution is that it behaves as an antioxidant and appears to help lower the risk of cancer.

Lycopene is the most potent fighter of singlet oxygen, which is correlated with skin aging. It is also thought to prevent the progression of atherosclerosis.

Low Fat Cranberry Squares - Recipe from Recipes 4U

You no longer need to spend money on premium price recipe publications or expensive nights out in poncy dining establishments, just find and print out the recipe that you have chosen and start preparing great meals to amaze your family in the convenience of your own home

This Low Fat Cranberry Squares - Recipe is one of our Healthy Recipes, which are collected from submissions from our readers and `free to use` sources. Obviously, with in excess of 50,000 recipes in the collection it would be a seriously difficult task to cook every single recipe, so take care and use common sense. If a recipe appears to be wrong, let us know.


Low Fat Cranberry Squares - Recipe

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