The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever Recipe

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The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever Recipe from Recipes 4U


The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1 lb dried fruit (i.e. apricots)
1 each water to cover

Recipe Preparation

This may be obvious to everyone else, but I've just discovered how to
make lovely "fruit butter." get a pound of dried fruit (I used
apricots). put in a heavy saucepan with enough water to cover. simmer
for two hours. if there is a lot of liquid left, but the fruit is
plump and tender and breaking up, turn up the heat and evaporate the
water away until there's just a tad, like maybe 1/2 cup. pour this
into a blender and puree for about a minute. comes out just a bit
stiffer than baby food. really really rich and tasty, sweet and tart.
perfect for my cream of wheat in the morning. and toast.

Source: original.

Posted by Libby to the Fatfree Digest
[Volume 15 Issue 28] Feb. 28, 1995.

Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE Recipe
collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue Smith, using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of Karen




Servings: 1




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Food Tips of the Week

Losing weight

Rather than thinking about which food types you really should leave out of your meal plan, focus on the nutritionally sound foods that you are able to introduce to your meal plan. If you manage to inject some nourishing grains and vegetables into your daily routine, you'll soon see that stop feeling hungry and have a significantl;y decreased risk of giving in to those damaging midday snacks.
Some reduced carbohydrate diet guidlines:
* Dietary fiber is essential Lowering the carbohydrates in your diet often leads to reduction in fiber as well. Look for reduced carbohydrate recipes that are rich in fiber to redress this.

* Eat regular meals Most reduced carb recipes are, you won't be surpised to learn, low in carbohydrates. Your body requires energy, and carbs are a very efficient energy source. A reduced carb diet needs more care in managing your energy intake, as any energy contributed by fat or protein is much slower acting.

Flavonoid foods
(inlcudes lettuce, fennel, lima bean & chamomile)

The nutrients called 'flavonoids' which exist in these foods are thought by experts to have properties as anti-carcinogens.
Nutritionalists looking into the effects of flavonoids believe they may well also have numerous healthy benefits, amongst them, antiviral and anti-inflammatory capabilities.
A good number also help you lose weight, so should be included in every weight loss regime.

The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever Recipe Category from Recipes 4U

You no longer need to spend money on high-priced recipe cookery books or pricey dining in over-priced restaurants, all you have to do is locate & print the recipe of your choice and commence cooking good food to delight your friends in the convenience of your own home

This The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever Recipe is one of our Fruit Recipes, which came to us from our own collection and public domain sources. Of course, with in excess of 50,000 recipes it would be a massive culinary exercise to cook every recipe on our web site, so please take care, and double check everything before cooking that special meal and don`t trust the information implicitly. If you spot any thing that looks wrong, let us know.


The Easiest Fruit Spread Ever Recipe

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