August Goerg's Grilled Steak (Spiessbraten Au
1 shallot or small onion cut into sma, ll pieces
1 freshly ground black pepper
1 pinch mace
1 large steak (just over 1 lb), at least 1, 1/4 inches
((Note: Per Horst Scharfenberg, this recipe originated in the town of
Idar-Oberstein in the 19 th century, when gemstone prospectors
returning from South America created their own version of
gaucho-grilled steaks. The dish was then further refined by
Scharfenberg's mentor August Goerg. K.B.))
Per person: thick, trimmed
Mix together the shallot or onion with the pepper and mace. Insert a
few shallot pieces into the steak using the point of a small knife.
Coat the steak with the shallot mixture, pressing it in so it will
Remove the loose shallot pieces and grill the steak (over a fire of
oak logs, says August Goerg, from which the bark has been removed).*
Take the steaks off the grill while they are still pink inside.
Sprinkle them with salt.
*Note: A special grill is used, suspended with 3 chains from an iron
tripod and constantly swinging through the flames.
From: THE CUISINES OF GERMANY by Horst Scharfenberg, Simon &
Schuster/Poseidon Press, New York. 1989 Posted by: Karin Brewer,
Cooking Echo, 8/92
Servings: 6
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