Pinapple Limeade 2 Recipe

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Pinapple Limeade 2 Recipe from the Recipes 4U Collection


Pinapple Limeade 2 Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1/2 cup sugar
3 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup lime juice
1 qt sparkling water, chilled

Recipe Preparation

Mix all ingredients except sparling water; refrigerate until chilled.
Just before serving, stir in sparkling water. Serve over ice. Garnish
with lime slices, if desired.

Recipe By :



Servings: 8




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Food Tips of the Week

Dieting tips

If you wish to become slim and boost your all round health, then, as any dietician will tell you, you really should eat a thoughtfully calculated sensible daily routine. At best, this should include five measures of grains and vegetables each day and also incorporate the right mix of important nutrients.
Some reduced carb diet tips:
* Use soy flour or soy baking mix. When you have to use flour for baking, repalce it with soy flour or a soya baking mix such as Atkins baking mix. In most situtations, you may change your favorite recipes that use standard wheat flour to use these.

* Replace sugar with splenda. Most recipes that require sugar can be changed to make use of splenda instead. It has a different density so you will have to expirement with it and it may not work for every recipe, but it gives very good results once you get the measurements right.

Superfoods containing lycopene
(includes apricot, red bell peppers & rosehip)

Lycopene is a non-synthetic coloring compound and one of the carotenid family. It is behind the dark red color of some fruit, vegetables and pulses.

Unlike numerous nutrients, lycopene does not become less effective if subjected to heat, but is truly improved by being heated.

. Its most important theraputic value is that it serves as an antioxidant and is believed to be of use in the fight to lower the risk of contracting cancer.

This useful phytochemical is the strongest fighter of singlet oxygen, which is correlated with aging of the skin. It is also thought by many experts to hamper the progression of atherosclerosis.

Pinapple Limeade 2 Recipe Index from Recipes 4U

You can now save money on top price recipe books or expensive meals in swanky restaurants, all you have to do is locate and print out the recipe that meets your requirements and start cooking a good meal to amaze your friends in the comfort of your own kitchen

This Pinapple Limeade 2 Recipe is one of our Drink Recipes, which are collected from visitor submissions and `free to use` sources. Of course, as we have over 50,000 recipes in our cookbook it is impossible to prepare and eat every single recipe on our web site, so take care and don`t trust the information implicitly. If a recipe appears to be wrong, please tell us.


Pinapple Limeade 2 Recipe

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