Buttermilk Bread Abm Recipe

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Buttermilk Bread Abm Recipe from the Recipes 4U Collection


Buttermilk Bread Abm Recipe

Recipe Ingredients


1/2 tbsp yeast
2 cup bread flour
1/2 tbsp buttermilk, powdered
1/2 tbsp sugar
1/4 tbsp salt
2 tbsp butter
2/3 cup water, warm

Recipe Preparation

Bring all ingredients to room temperature and pour into bakery, in
order. Set "baking control" at 11 o'clock. Select "white bread" and
push Start.

Notes: Great taste and texture, a light fluffy bread.

Sylvia's notes: came out great first try. Easily the best slicing
bread I've made in a long time.

From the recipe files of Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$
71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator at net/node 004/005, Internet



Servings: 16




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Food Tips of the Week

Advice on losing weight

If you enjoy your food, but want to become thin and also improve your overall physical condition, then, as most people know, you should follow a meticulously prepared wholesome dietary regime. Theoretically, this needs to involve 5 standard portions of grains, cereals and vegetables every day and also contain the optimum fusion of important nutrients.
The case against reduced carbohydrate diets
Its all the rage, but it is truly safe and healthy for you?
Remember, one point that is often overlooked, it is very hard (although by no means impossible) for vegetarians to follow a low carb diet.
Reducing carbs might mean missing out on vital nutrients from healthy carbohydrate foods which should be part of any well-balanced diet, especially those that we get from grains, vegetables and fruits.
Foods containing allyl sulfides
( includes eschalot, chives and green onion)

The onion family of vegetables is high in allyl sulfides, a chemical which experts believe could be linked to a reduced risk of stomach and colon cancer.
Even though there is very little scientific evidence at hand, allyl sulfides are also thought by many researchers to reduce the symptoms of colds, sterilization and diabetes.

Foods containing allyl sulfides are also good for weight loss, so you should add them to your weight loss regime.

Buttermilk Bread Abm Recipe from the Recipes-4U Cookbook

You no longer need waste money on dear recipe cooking books or high nights out in swanky restaurants, just search out and print the recipe of your choice and you will soon be preparing good food to delight your friends in the comfort of your own kitchen

This Buttermilk Bread Abm Recipe is one of our Drink Recipes, which are collected from visitor submissions and open source collections. Of course, as there are more than 50,000 recipes in the collection it would be a massive culinary exercise to prepare and eat every recipe on our website, so please exercise caution and use common sense. If you spot any mistakes, let us know.


Buttermilk Bread Abm Recipe

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