Cream Cheese Cookies No2 Recipe

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Cream Cheese Cookies No2 Recipe from the Recipes 4U Collection


Cream Cheese Cookies No2 Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1/4 cup (60 ml) vegetable shortening
1/4 cup (60 ml) cream cheese
1 (softened)
2 tsp (10 ml) granulated fructose
1 tsp (5 ml) granulated sugar
1 replacement
1 egg
1 tbsp (15 ml) water
1 cup (250 ml) flour
1/2 tsp (2 ml) baking powder
1 dash salt

Recipe Preparation

Cream together shortening, cream cheese, fructose and sugar
replacement. Add egg and water, beating well. Sift together flour,
baking powder and salt, and add to creamed mixture. Mix until
thoroughly blended. Shape into a roll, 1 1/2 in. (3.75 cm) in
diameter. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. Cut into thin
slices and place on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees F
(175 C) for 8 to 10 minutes.

Exchange 2 cookies: 1/2 fruit
1/2 fat Calories 2 cookies: 74



Servings: 30




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Food Tips of the Week

Dieting tips

If you wish to become slim and boost your all round health, then, as any dietician will tell you, you really should eat a thoughtfully calculated sensible daily routine. At best, this should include five measures of grains and vegetables each day and also incorporate the right mix of important nutrients.
The argument against reduced carb diets
Its popular as hell, but it is truly safe for you?
Increased consumption of animal-based products may lead into high consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, which many authorities believe will increase the chance of heart problems.
Moreover, it has been suggested that the kidneys can be given too much work to do and that the resulting change in blood acidity causes bone loss, but some of the scientific studies testing the theory have failed to find significant evidence of damage to the kidneys or bone damage.
Flavonoid superfoods
(inlcudes lettuce, brussels sprouts, yams & basil)

The flavonoids which exist in these fruits and vegetables are thought to have properties in fighting cancer.
Doctors investigating the nutritional effects of flavonoids think that they may well also have most other healthy benefits, including, but not limited to, anti-allergic and antioxidant properties.
The majority of these are also low in calories, so you should add them to your diet system.

Cream Cheese Cookies No2 Recipe Category

You no longer need waste money on dear recipe cook books or exorbitant meals in over-priced eating establishments, all you have to do is search out & print out the recipe that you have chosen and start preparing good food to amaze your family in the comfort of your own kitchen

This Cream Cheese Cookies No2 Recipe is one of our Diabetic Recipes, which are collected from our own collection and `free to use` sources. Obviously, as we have more than 50,000 recipes it is impossible to prepare and eat every recipe on our website, so take care and use common sense. If you spot any thing that looks wrong, please tell us.


Cream Cheese Cookies No2 Recipe

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