Gingered Watermellon Rind
1 lb melon rind
1 1/2 lb sugar
1 oz ground ginger
2 lemon
Originally from: "The Progressive Farmer's Southern Cookbook" GINGERED
WATERMELON RIND 1. Make ginger tea ~ ginger in 1 quart of water. 2.
Pare off outer green skin of watermelon. Cut into 1/2 or 1 inch
cubes. 3. Soak melon in lime water for 3 + 1/2 hours 2 quarts water
and 2 Tbls. lime). Drain. Soak in clear water for 1 hour. Drain,
again. 4. Cover with water and boil rapidly for 15 minutes in strong
tea. 5. Finish cooking in a syrup made by using 2 pints of the
ginger tea
with 2 pints of water and 1-1/2 lb. of sugar. 6. Cook rapidly until
tender and transparent [about 1 hour]. 7. Add thinly sliced lemon
after about 30 minutes. 8. When transparent, cool, pack and process.
Servings: 4