Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe

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Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe : Recipes 4U


Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe

Recipe Ingredients


1 cup white or red wine
5 sugar cubes, or to taste
1 whole clove
1 small piece lemon peel a little stick cin, namon

Recipe Preparation

Combine all ingredients and heat, barely to boiling point. Pour into a
pre-warmed glass, wrap glass in a napkin, and serve immediately.

[Note: We did this one for a Christmas party one time and used a
crockpot to keep it at the right temperature. Worked just fine - but
it's best then to put the spices in a cheesecloth bag (or some such)
as they must be removed, else the whole thing eventually turns
bitter. K.B.]

Posted 10-31-93 by KARIN BREWER on F-Cooking

MM by MMCONV and Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253,
Internet, moderator of GT Cookbook and
PlanoNet Lowfat & Luscious echoes



Servings: 1




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Food Tips of the Week

Dieting tips

If you wish to become slim and boost your all round health, then, as any dietician will tell you, you really should eat a thoughtfully calculated sensible daily routine. At best, this should include five measures of grains and vegetables each day and also incorporate the right mix of important nutrients.
Some reduced carbohydrate diet pointers:

* Eat regular meals Most low carb recipes are, well...., low in carbohydrates. Your body requires energy, and carbs are a very efficient energy source. A reduced carb diet needs extreme care in controlling your energy levels, as any energy provided by non-carbohydrate sources is slower acting.

Flavonoid rich foods
(inlcudes citrus fruits, asparagus, garden pea & basil)

The compounds known as flavonoids discovered in these natural foods are thought by nutritionalists to have properties in preventing cancer.
Medical experts investigating the effects of flavonoids think that they may well have most other health giving capabilities, amongst them, anti-dermatitis and antioxidant properties.
Many also have a low calorie count, so should be included in every diet.

Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe - Recipes 4u

You no longer need waste money on over priced recipe cook books or high meals out in posh dining establishments, just find and print out the recipe of your choice and you will soon be preparing great food to amaze your family in the comfort of your own kitchen

This Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe is one of our Crock Pot Recipes, which have been assembled from submissions from our readers and open source collections. Clearly, as we have more than 50,000 recipes it would be a massive culinary exercise to cook every single recipe, so please take care, and double check everything and don`t trust the information implicitly. If you spot any mistakes, please tell us.


Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe

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