Easter Mints Kids Can Make Recipe

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Easter Mints Kids Can Make Recipe from the Recipes 4U Cookbook


Easter Mints Kids Can Make Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1/3 cup soft butter
1/3 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp flavoring
3 1/2 cup ( 1 lb ) sifted confectioner sugar
1 large bowl
1 wooden spoon
1 paper plates
1 pencils

Recipe Preparation

This is a no-cook recipe the children can mix with their hands.
Flavor it with any of the liquid flavorings in the supermarket, such
as strawberry and lemon. If you want, you can instead divide it into
three portions and add a few drops of food coloring to tint it
yellow, red, and green. The knead a small amount of flavoring into
each one. This recipe makes about 1 1/2 lbs of candy. Help the
children measure all the ingredients into the large bowl. They can
take turns stirring it with the wooden spoon until it becomes too
stiff. Then they can knead it with their hands. They should continue
kneading until the dough is smooth. Give each child a paper plate and
a pencil. Tell them to turn their plates OVER and write their names
on the Bottom to prevent pencil lead from getting on their mints.
Help them hold their pencils correctly. Make sure they use upper and
lower case letters. Give each child a portion of dough on his or her
plate. The children can pinch off pieces, roll them into balls, and
press them lightly with a fork to make a fancy butter mint. Children
who cannot roll the candy into balls can make snakes, cut the snakes
into pieces, and press the pieces with a fork. They might eat the
pieces with the fork, but that's ok too. Leave the mints on the
plates and refrigerate them for 30 minutes, until they become firm.
Easter Mints taste even better the second day, if you can keep
everyone from eating them all on the first day.



Servings: 1




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Food Tips of the Week

Dieting tips

If you wish to become slim and boost your all round health, then, as any dietician will tell you, you really should eat a thoughtfully calculated sensible daily routine. At best, this should include five measures of grains and vegetables each day and also incorporate the right mix of important nutrients.
The problems associated with reduced carb diets
Its extremely popular, but it is really safe for you?
Although there is some research that illustrates that low carb diets may help elimate surplus fat, some of this some evidence has caused much debate between nutrition experts, and their safety record has been brought into question
Cutting out carbohydrates could mean missing out on required nutrients from healthy foods which must be part of any sensible diet, particularly those obtained from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Cruciferous vegetables, Wonderfoods that aid Weight loss
(examples: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Tatsoi and Chinese cabbage)
Vegetablesi in the brassica family are packed with vitamins (folate and vitamin c, for example), minerals (including potassium and selenium), isothiocyanates, antioxidents and indole-3-carbinol.

Amongst most other health and diet benefits, the vitamins and nutrients in these are thought by experts to significantly lower the risk of getting cancer.

Easter Mints Kids Can Make Recipe collected for you by Recipes 4U

You no longer need waste money on high-priced recipe cooking books or exorbitant meals in posh dining establishments, all you have to do is search out and print out the recipe that take your fancy and before you know it, you will be preparing a good meal to amaze your family in the comfort of your own home

This Easter Mints Kids Can Make Recipe is one of our Christmas Recipes, which are collected from submissions from site visitors and public domain sources. It goes without saying that, as we have over 50,000 recipes in the collection it would be a seriously difficult task to prepare and test every recipe on our website, so please exercise caution and plan carefully. If a recipe appears to be wrong, let us know.


Easter Mints Kids Can Make Recipe

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