Brandied Chicken Recipe

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Brandied Chicken Recipe from Recipes 4U


Brandied Chicken Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

1 2 1/2 lbs. chicken, cut for frying,, or boned chicken b
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 stick butter
1 cup heavy cream
3 oz brandy
1 tbsp curry powder
1 salt and pepper to taste
1 parsley
1 paprika

Recipe Preparation

Saute chicken and garlic in butter. Transfer to a casserole with
juices from pan.

Mix cream, brandy, curry powder, salt, and pepper and pour over
chicken. Cover and bake at 350øF for 35-40 minutes. Sprinkle with
finely chopped parsley and paprika. Yield: 4 servings. Typed in
MMFormat by Source: The Jr. League of Bronxville,
New York. (The Easter Jr. League Cookbook)



Servings: 4




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Food Tips of the Week

A few tips on healthy eating

If you enjoy eating, but want to get in shape and improve your overall vitality, then, as most people know, you need to start a thoughtfully prepared well-balanced meal plan. In a perfect world, this needs to contain 5 standard portions of grains, fruit and vegetables daily and embrace the right proportion of food types.
The problems associated with reduced carb diets
Its extremely popular, but it is truly safe for you?
Higher consumption of animal-based products may lead into raised consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, which most authorities believe will increase the probability of heart problems.
Moreover, it has been hypothesised that the kidneys may become stressed and that the resulting change in acid levels in the blood can cause bone loss, but some of the scientifc research testing the theory have failed to find significant evidence of damage to the kidneys or bone damage.
Lycopene rich foods
(includes apricots, red bell peppers & tomato puree)

The phytochemical lycopene is a simple compound used to color foods and part of the carotenid family. This chemical is accountable for the dark red color of a good number of fruit, vegetables and pulses.

Fortunately, unlike numerous healthy agents, this useful phytochemical does not become less effective if heated during cooking, but is noticeably enhanced by being cooked.

. Its most interesting nutritional contribution is that it behaves as an antioxidant and appears to help lower the risk of cancer.

Lycopene is the most potent fighter of singlet oxygen, which is correlated with skin aging. It is also thought to prevent the progression of atherosclerosis.

Brandied Chicken Recipe from the Recipes-4U Collection

You no longer need waste money on over priced recipe cookery books or high meals out in swanky restaurants, just search out and print the recipe that take your fancy and you will soon be preparing good food to amaze your family in the comfort of your own kitchen

This Brandied Chicken Recipe is one of our Chicken Recipes, which are collected from submissions from our readers and `free to use` sources. Obviously, as there are over 50,000 recipes it is impossible to prepare every recipe on our website, so please take care, and double check everything before cooking that special meal and plan carefully. If you spot any thing that looks wrong, please let us know.


Brandied Chicken Recipe

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