Farmer's Cheese Recipe

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Farmer's Cheese Recipe another great recipe from Recipes 4U


Farmer's Cheese Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

5 qt buttermilk, low-fat
1 water
1 cheesecloth strainer

Recipe Preparation

Place the five quarts of buttermilk in a non corrosive pan; i.e.
enamel or stainless steel. Pour water at least half way up the sides
of the containers (use cardboard ones; not glass bottles). Bring to a
boil and let it go for 20 minutes. Turn of and wait until the water
is tepid. hang the cheesecloth strainer over the sink or over a large
pot. You will need help here. Pour each quart of 'cooked' buttermilk
into the strainer and let it hang at least 12 hours. What you will
have left in the bag is a very dry cheese...similar to Farmer's
cheese. Now my Stepmom sometimes adds a bit of sugar to the cheese.
If you put it in the FP and zap it with a some milk you have a creamy
spread; similar to cream cheese. We use this in Blintzas and in place
of ricotta in some recipes.
It would be wonderful if you need Farmer's cheese and can't get it.



Servings: 1




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Food Tips of the Week

Advice on losing weight

If you enjoy your food, but want to become thin and also improve your overall physical condition, then, as most people know, you should follow a meticulously prepared wholesome dietary regime. Theoretically, this needs to involve 5 standard portions of grains, cereals and vegetables every day and also contain the optimum fusion of important nutrients.
The argument against low carb diets
Its extremely popular, but it is really safe for you?
Remember, one fact that is often overlooked, it is extremely hard (though not totally impossible) for vegetarians to adopt a low carbohydrate diet.
Scientific studies over recent years have proved that exessive consumption of animal fat can result in higher risk of cancer, heart disease and other serious conditions.
Brassicas, Wonder foods that aid Dieting
(includes Arugula, Broccoli, Mizuna and Daikon)
Vegetablesi in the brassica family are full of vitamins (eg.folate and vit c), minerals (including potassium and selenium), isothiocyanates, antioxidents and indole-3-carbinol.

In addition to their many other great health properties, the minerals, vitamins and nutrients in these are thought to significantly lower the risk of getting cancer.

Farmer's Cheese Recipe Index

You no longer need waste money on premium price recipe cooking books or pricey meals in poncy eating establishments, all you have to do is find and print the recipe that you have chosen and commence preparing great meals to delight your family in the convenience of your own home

This Farmer's Cheese Recipe is one of our Cheese Recipes, which are collected from submissions from our readers and open source collections. It goes without saying that, as there are more than 50,000 recipes it is not possible to try out every recipe on our website, so please take care, and double check everything before cooking that special meal and don`t trust the information implicitly. If you spot any mistakes, please tell us.


Farmer's Cheese Recipe

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