Before You Contact Us


Please read the FAQs below, as most of your questions should be answered here:

Q. Where I can find a particular ingredientt?
A. Use Google to search for the ingredient. I haven't cooked all these recipes myself, nor am I an expert on food distribution around the world. Sorry.

Q. What does a particular measurement mean?
A. Again, try searching on Google for Metric measurements, US measurements, and UK Imperial Measurements - there are plenty of pages dealing with this.

Q. Can you help me out with a particular project/dinner party/menu advice etc?
A. Sorry - I don't get paid for this and spend most of my time on the jobs that I do get paid for - try some of the cooking forums out there, (search on Google for 'cooking forum' or 'recipe forum')

Q. One of the recipes appears to be wrong.
A. These recipes are collated from public domain sources and contributions, ie. I didn't write them myself. There are bound to be a few 'funnies' in there. Let me know and I will try to fix it if I can. Most likely, I will take the path of least resistance and drop that recipe from the site.



If these answers don't help, then contact me




Thanks for being so understanding.






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